Its time to create woking game using pygame framework.
If you are new to pygame framework, visit Pygame Tutorial 1
To create game. We need an idea or concept. Let take famous Monty Hall problem which is a probility puzzle.
From wiki:
"Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?"
Lets select Monty Hall problem because its simple to convert as game. We need not to do lot of design related work for this.
and it just requires some paper work about its look and feel. And some algorithm/logic required.
Game characters:
    Start button
    Exit button
I will go for some cartoon characters time being I am downloading from google and clker
You can check for sprites in below links:
import pygame import random import sys WHITE = (255, 255, 255) FILE_TYPE = "png" WINDOW_SIZE = (500, 500) DOOR_X = 100 DOOR_Y = 100
class Door(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, image, pos_x, pos_y, object_name ): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = pygame.image.load(image) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = pos_x self.rect.y = pos_y self.object_name = "Door"
class Dicision(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, image_index, pos_x, pos_y): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__( self ) image_list = ("goat1","goat2","car") self.image = pygame.image.load(image_list[image_index]+".png") self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (70,70)) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = pos_x self.rect.y = pos_y self.object_name = image_list[image_index]
class Game: def __init__(self): print "I am in ctor of Game" pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("Monty Hall") self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500)) self.surface = pygame.Surface((500, 500)) self.layer1 = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.layer2 = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.layer3 = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() #button.png and Font start make the Start Button self.start_button = pygame.image.load("button.png") self.start_button = pygame.transform.scale(self.start_button, (100, 40)) self.start_button=self.window.blit(self.start_button, (180, 200)) print "I about to load font" self.my_font= pygame.font.Font(None, 40) print "I have loaded font" start=self.my_font.render("start", 1, WHITE) self.window.blit(start, (200, 205)) #button.png and Font start make the Start Button self.exit_button = pygame.image.load("exit.png") self.exit_button = pygame.transform.scale(self.exit_button, (70, 70)) self.exit_button = self.window.blit(self.exit_button, (425, 425)) self.my_font.set_underline(1) headder=self.my_font.render("Monty Hall Problem", 1, WHITE) self.my_font.set_underline(0) self.window.blit(headder, (100, 20)) def start_game(self): ''' This funciton is responsible do all the pre-requisite required to run the game from beginning. clear old traces of the game window prepare layer and list to hold objects create Door and Dicision object (random) and add to layer Dicision objects are will load randomly goat, goat and car ''' self.choice = 0 surface_clear_door = pygame.Surface((300, 75)) surface_clear_message = pygame.Surface((350, 200)) self.window.blit(surface_clear_door, (100, 100)) self.window.blit(surface_clear_message, (75, 275)) self.layer1.empty() self.layer2.empty() self.layer3.empty() self.list = [] random_list = random.sample(range(3), 3) self.layer1.add(Dicision(random_list[0], 100, 100)) self.layer1.add(Door("red.png", DOOR_X, DOOR_Y, random_list[0])) self.layer2.add(Dicision(random_list[1], 200, 100)) self.layer2.add(Door("green.png", DOOR_X+100, DOOR_Y, random_list[1])) self.layer3.add(Dicision(random_list[2], 300, 100)) self.layer3.add(Door("blue.png", DOOR_X+200, DOOR_Y, random_list[2])) self.list.append(self.layer1) self.list.append(self.layer2) self.list.append( self.layer3 ) print random_list for layer in self.list: layer.draw(self.window) self.show_host_instructions() pygame.display.update() def open_other_door(self, second_list): ''' When user selects one door. Open other door which has goat As we are using layering approach are bringing Dicision object to front layer ''' for layer in second_list: for sprite in layer: if isinstance(sprite, Dicision): if sprite.object_name == "goat1" or sprite.object_name == "goat2": layer.move_to_front(sprite) dirty=layer.draw(self.window) pygame.display.update(dirty) return def main(self): ''' This is our game loop start game wait for user input: Quit on QUIT Quit on exit Handle Click ''' self.start_game() #pygame.display.update() run = True while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: second_list=[] if self.click_start( pos ): #optimize here continue elif self.exit_button.collidepoint(pos): sys.exit() else: self.handle_choice(pos, second_list) def handle_second_choice(self, pos): ''' When user selects the door second time, move is Dicision object to front and return layer for calculating display_result ''' second_choice_door=[] self.choice = 2 for layer in self.list: for sprite in layer: if sprite.rect.collidepoint(pos) and isinstance(sprite, Door): second_choice_door.append(layer) if isinstance(sprite, Dicision): layer.move_to_front(sprite) dirty = layer.draw(self.window) pygame.display.update(dirty) return second_choice_door def display_result(self,second_choice_door): ''' This funciton handles two responsibility make the juidgement on result Does the formating of result ''' surface_clear_message = pygame.Surface((400, 150)) self.window.blit(surface_clear_message, (75, 275)) pygame.display.update() for layer in second_choice_door: for sprite in layer: if isinstance(sprite, Dicision): if sprite.object_name == "car": win_text = self.my_font.render("You Won Car !!!", 1, WHITE) else: win_text = self.my_font.render(" Goat is yours :D ", 1, WHITE) joker = pygame.image.load("joker.png") self.window.blit(joker, (175, 275)) self.window.blit(win_text, (90, 375)) pygame.display.update() def handle_choice(self, pos, second_list): ''' This funciton behaves as state machine for user choice choice = 0 No choice it will be the first choice choice = 1 This will be the second click ''' if self.choice == 1: second_choice_door = self.handle_second_choice(pos) self.display_result(second_choice_door) if self.choice == 0: self.handle_first_choice(pos, second_list) if self.choice == 1: self.show_host_instructions() self.open_other_door(second_list) def show_host_instructions(self): surface_clear_message = pygame.Surface((400, 150)) self.window.blit(surface_clear_message, (50, 275)) pygame.display.update() if self.choice == 0: self.my_font.set_italic(1) instruction_one = self.my_font.render("Behind one door is a car", 1, WHITE) instruction_two = self.my_font.render("Behind the others, goats", 1, WHITE) self.my_font.set_italic(0) self.window.blit(instruction_one, (75, 300)) self.window.blit(instruction_two, (75, 350)) pygame.display.update() if self.choice == 1: self.my_font.set_italic(1) instruction_one = self.my_font.render("Do you want to pick other", 1, WHITE) instruction_two = self.my_font.render(" !!! door !!!", 1, WHITE) self.my_font.set_italic(0) self.window.blit(instruction_one, (75, 300)) self.window.blit(instruction_two, (75, 350)) pygame.display.update() def handle_first_choice(self, pos, second_list): ''' In this funcition add other layers to second_list which does not had a click on it( or not choosen ) ''' for layer in self.list: add = 0 for sprite in layer: if sprite.rect.collidepoint(pos): add = 1 self.choice = 1 if add ==0: second_list.append(layer) def click_start(self, pos): ''' on click of start button start the game @return True on click on start button False otherwise ''' if self.start_button.collidepoint(pos): self.start_game() return True return False
if __name__ == "__main__": game = Game() game.main()
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