Sunday, July 21, 2013

WoW I am on blogpost.
If you believe things happens accidentally, yup, its purely accidental that I am here.

But not sure how long I will stay here. I may choose to move out or host my own blogging site with my own framework. Moving out is simple choice, staying is more lively and fun right?. Not sure what I will choose.

I got bored out of C++ code, struggling with memory and *pointer stuff. Choosing some dynamic garbage collect language seems fun. May be its time to explore new web programming.

If I think about consumer of these materials I will be first on the list. Its like my notes, which is clean, online, easy to carry and easy to modify.

Before choosing blogspot I experimented with worldpress and tumbler.  Worldpress is good but tumbler is not suitable for my stuff. Finally choose to stay with blogspot as its simple and serving my need. Sad thing is, my template is forcing me to have this page ( It forcing :( :( me). Some how I need to find the hack to remove date and time not really liking it.